Kaitlin “KT” Ashway: A Life of Joy, Faith and Music

KT laughs heartily at a joke.

If you ever visit the music class at Lighthouse, you may see Kaitlin (KT) Ashway.You will see her dancing in her wheelchair, singing with a smile and playing her bells in rhythm.You may even be inspired to join in.

Direct Care Staff, Connie Rutter remarks on KT’s sunny disposition: “She comes in with a smile on her face.” As someone who enjoys people, KT thrives being around others in the day program—especially her best friend Angie.

KT comes to Strengthening Pathways (SP) five days a week and explores a variety of classes. Whether it’s educational classes like math, geography, and Bible or creative classes like music, painting and crafts, she loves trying new things. She excels in Bible class and amazes the staff with her Bible knowledge.

When I asked her father Paul Ashway about her favorite class, without missing a beat, he answered: “Music.” Every day, KT brings her own bells to music class and joins in—whether it’s hymns, worship songs or musicals, she likes it all.KT also participates in the online class, Praise & Worship on Tuesday evenings. She also takes xylophone lessons with Suzanne Delahunt, the Director of Music.

“She’s hilariously enthusiastic. She loves to sing and is good at music,” Suzanne says.

For KT, music has been a lifelong passion. During her time at Penn Manor High School, she played her tambourine with the marching band and delighted the audience.Connie describes her talents, “She’s a good singer and she keeps
the beat.”

KT enthusiastically rings her bells to the music.

Today, KT uses her musical gifts in her church by helping lead worship every couple of months. While sitting in her wheelchair, she bounces in rhythm, plays the tambourine and sings wholeheartedly to Jesus.Her enthusiasm for worship inspires many people in the congregation to join in. Her father Paul reflects, “If she can worship with abandon, why can’t I?”

For KT, faith is foundational for her life. She loves going to church and going to church conferences. “Her faith is important to her,” says Paul.It could be her faith that helped her go through many medical hurdles. While doctors predicted that she would have no quality of life after her brain injury, KT proved them wrong. Paul remarks on her faith, “She’s a fighter.”

Her fighting spirit has served her well.Over her nine years at Lighthouse, KT has grown in many ways.With the guidance of staff, she learned how to drive her wheelchair, and she learned to be accepting of other people.Connie remarks, “She has grown in flexibility and is willing to try anything.”

Her father Paul remarks about her progress at Lighthouse, “Just being able to enjoy life and do fun things and meet people and learn things.”

Outside of work, KT enjoys laughing with comedians like Taylor Mason, Jeff Foxworthy or Anita Renfroe’s rendition of the Mom song.She watches the Eagles with her sister and brother-in-law and cheers along—sometimes for the other team—but always with enthusiasm.

KT is getting ready for a craft.

KT enjoys being in the van and going places. One of her favorite destinations is getting her nails done—her favorite color is green. She also enjoys shopping at Park City and watching the Barnstormers. KT has several things to look forward to this summer:Joni & Friends Camp at the Poconos and connecting with her friends at Handi Camp.

We’re so glad to know KT. She can teach us many things: how to worship God without fear, how to push past barriers, and most of all how to have faith (and a bright smile) in the midst of life’s challenges.

~Emily Bauman, Marketing Associate

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