Economic freedom and quality of life.
This personalized program assists those who are ready to seek work in the marketplace. Individuals are supported by Certified Employment Specialists in exploring different types of work and seeking and retaining direct employment based on their career interests and skills.

Supported Employment
Employment Specialist’s work one on one with a participant as they assist them in putting together a resume, learning interviewing skills, starting a job, and supporting them one on one on the job while s helping them gain and maintain natural supports with supervisors and other employees until they no longer need an employment specialist.

Small Group Employment
Groups of individuals, called Mobile Work Crews, work at local businesses where they gain experience performing a variety of tasks. Participants receive a variety of individualized services, ranging from career assessment to job finding to one-on-one job support and are supervised by a job coach and make at least minimum wage.

Student Transition Services
A program within Employment Services, benefits students with disabilities, ages 14 to 21, by assessing their vocational abilities and interests, by facilitating real-world work experiences, and by preparing them to apply for and retain jobs that interest them.

OVR Services
Individiuals work with employment specialist to match their interests and skills with the right career. This program spans across two counties.

Serving All
As an organization, we believe in serving all. Over this past year, we have expanded Employment Service opportunities in Chester County and the need for services continues to grow.