KUDOS to the following staff members for winning the Spotlight on Excellent Award—for May/June:

From the CPS department: The Spotlight shines on…Denise Johnston:

Denise is working above and beyond the call of duty and has been doing an excellent job–as she is currently covering for the CPS supervisor—who’s out on maternity leave. She manages scheduling of participants, staff and more. This has been challenging since CPS has been short staffed and Denise also takes out participants out into the community. She maintains a positive attitude while taking on the increased responsibilities.

From the Employment Services department: The Spotlight shines on…David Forwood:

David is a team player; his previous work experience benefits all members of the department for the betterment of the participants. His work also goes above and beyond—he presented a large class participant training, and is helping develop other participant trainings as an alternative to doing in-house work. He also presented at our all staff training last month. He has a heart for Lighthouse.

Denise Johnston and David Forwood

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