Hope – Lisa
“If the opportunity doesn’t knock, build the door.”
Many providers who service individuals with intellectual disabilities were unable to reopen after COVID. This has given us the new opportunity to branch out into Chester County to provide much needed services in partnership with The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR). Our job is to assist our clients with finding and maintaining integrated competitive employment. We currently serve 19 individuals who are in the various phases of OVR Supported Employment Services.
Meet Lisa Weir:
Tell me about yourself?
I live in Blue Ball. I’ve been married to my husband, Jamie for 21 years. I have an 18-year-old daughter, Zoe. She just graduated from Garden Spot HS and will attend Malone University in Canton, OH in the Fall. I have a Boxer/Pitbull named Tigger and 3 cats.
What do you do at Lighthouse and what is your favorite thing about your job?
I’m an Employment Specialist for Chester County clients. I love the initial interview process where I get to know my client and all his/her likes, dislikes, strengths, and challenges. Everyone is unique and has a great story!
What do you like to do outside of Lighthouse?
I like to read, watch reruns of Friends, shop with my daughter and spend time with my family.
Secret talent?
Not sure if it’s a secret talent, but I take care of a feral cat colony in my neighborhood. I trap them, take them to a clinic to be spayed and neutered, get their shots, and they are treated for fleas and ticks. I provide food, water, and shelter for them also.
Favorite food?
Pizza!! Favorite Drink? Wine and Diet Pepsi!!
What brought you to Lighthouse?
I worked at Garden Spot High School in several Special Education classrooms, most recently Autistic Support, for 12 years. I knew when my daughter graduated from Garden Spot, I would want to move on. I knew about Lighthouse from the school, I saw the Employment Specialist position, so I applied. I wanted to continue working with people with special needs, and I loved all that Lighthouse did and stood for. Everyone at Lighthouse has made me feel welcome, wanted, and cared for.
Meet Hope Jayne:
Tell me about you?
I live in New Holland. I have been dating my loving boyfriend Matt for a little over 2 years now. I am a Cat Mama to Preston. I came from Garden Spot High School working in an Autistic Support classroom as a PCA.
What do you do at Lighthouse and what is your favorite thing about your job?
I work as an Employment Specialist for Chester County. Hearing participants and coworkers’ unique life stories is my favorite thing about my job. I am truly fascinated with everyone’s stories!
What do you like to do outside of Lighthouse?
Spending quality time with Matt and Preston, going on new hikes or adventures, and riding my bike around town…with the cat backpack, of course. And I binge watch tv shows when I get the chance!
Secret talent?
I wouldn’t say it’s a secret, but few know I am slightly versed in ASL (American Sign Language).
Favorite food? Baked mac and cheese!
What brought you to Lighthouse?
Lisa Weir! Although, I had heard about Lighthouse from working in the school system, she was really the one who brought me here. She had nothing but great things to say!
~ Emily Bauman, Marketing & Communications Assistant
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